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NASWVA Advocacy

Help Advance Social Work in Virginia!
NASWVA needs your voice as a social worker to uplift and accelerate progress on critical social justice and professional practice issues in Virginia.
Here’s how you can help:
Write, call, or visit your Virginia legislator. We encourage you to use NASW and chapter resources and research as background in formulating your personal opinion, but please know that no one is authorized to speak publicly for the chapter except the executive director and president, unless you have Virginia Chapter-specific talking points about a certain bill and a call to action. You should be clear in your communications that you are speaking as an individual Virginia social worker.
Find your legislator here.
Follow NASW Virginia Chapter on social media for policy statement updates and more advocacy news (@NASWVA on Facebook and Instagram, and “NASW-Virginia” on LinkedIn). Use your social media to share and speak out for NASWVA legislative alerts and updates!
Read your monthly, members-only NASW Virginia newsletter to stay up to date on calls to action and advocacy issue updates.
Not a member yet? Join here!
Invite social work colleagues to join NASW so they can add their voices to Virginia advocacy efforts. The more social workers who call, write, and visit, the more legislators must listen and feel prompted to act!
Order the latest Social Work Speaks, which contains all NASW policy statements approved by the Delegate Assembly, as well as how-to information about advocating for the social work profession and your clients. All chapter policy statements and legislative/regulatory strategies must align with and/or support NASW’s national advocacy goals and current policy statements.
Follow NASW on all major social media platforms to stay abreast of national advocacy opportunities and progress on the organization’s strategic priorities. You also can read Social Work Advocates and view the latest news releases.
Learn how NASW Virginia works to influence state policy and regulations, what the status of policy priority bills is in the 2024 General Assembly, and more about the chapter’s involvement in advocacy and NASW national efforts overall.