Meet The Team
A great benefit for our members is the personal assistance and consultation available from NASW Virginia’s staff. Please feel free to contact the best department for your inquiry. The chapter phone number is: 804-204-133

​Debra Riggs, CAE, Executive Director​
Liaison to Board of Directors, Chapter Committees, Schools of Social Work, and other organizations; Provides member consultations for questions related to Licensure, Ethics, and Policy.

Jaime Strohhacker, MPA, Professional Development Manager
Inquiries and Assistance relating to Continuing Education & Conference Programs, Event Registration, Course Accreditation, Log-in Assistance & Training-to-Go.

​Michelle Pierre-Louis, CE Assistant/ Special Project Assistant​
Inquiries and Assistance relating to the Virginia Chapter and Metro DC Chapter Course Accreditation Program (CAP), Continuing Education Credits (CE's), General Chapter information, and Log-in Assistance.

Marketing Department
Inquiries and support pertaining to the digital marketing initiatives of the Virginia Chapter, encompassing areas such as social media and newsletter advertisements.

Kristin Clarke, CAE, Clarke Association Content, Communications and Marketing Consultant
Inquiries and support regarding the communications and marketing initiatives of the Metro DC and Virginia chapters, including strategy and planning; social media; website, newsletters, and advocacy content; and promotion of conferences and events.