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Committee Charge


NASW Code of Ethics Standard 6.04 Social and Political Action

(a) Social workers should engage in social and political action that seeks to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully. Social workers should be aware of the impact of the political arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice.


Virginia Political Action for Candidate Election (VA PACE) is the political action committee of NASWVA. Members of this committee endorse candidates for state elections and may make financial contributions. Virginia focuses its PACE efforts on mobilizing members to volunteer for endorsed candidates, as well as on educating social workers about state voting requirements an\d laws. Only members of NASWVA can give money to PACE, and only members of PACE make those endorsements. The goal of endorsing candidates is to elect candidates that uphold the values of NASWVA and our social work members. 


NASWVA PACE is actively recruiting members!


If you are interested in being a member of the NASWVA PACE Committee, please contact Executive Director Debra Riggs, CAE, at


Learn more about NASW’s national PAC on its PACE page.

Virginia Chapter of the


National Association of Social Workers


Chapter Phone: 804-204-1339


Chapter Address: 4860 Cox Road, Suite 200 Glen Allen, VA 23060 

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