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Debra Riggs

Licensure Exam Prep Workshops Offer New Study Resources, Anticipate 2026 Exam Changes

The current 2018-created social work licensure exam will change in 2026, resulting in revisions such as offering three multiple-choice answer options instead of four for each question, according to Dawn Apgar, PhD, who instructs NASW Virginia and Metro DC’s joint exam prep workshops. 

The update will be done by the end of this calendar year, and new 2024 materials will be used for the chapter’s test prep course that address those changes, she says. Apgar will revise course materials again in fall 2025 to conform to any other exam changes.


In addition, in response to evolving trends and technologies in adult education, Apgar continues to update her large learning management portal, which offers a wide range of study resources and is accessible free to workshop registrants for six months. Most recently, she added a second full practice exam, more chapter questions and key terms, additional interactive flash cards, and a discussion box next to each lesson for Q&A. 


“You'll see questions that people have asked about the material, and every question has a response,” she adds. “There are also ways to categorize [the information] into things you know or you're not as sure about, [and] there's a whole game center. Gamification is a big part of learning now.”

Apgar has even added a “life lessons” tab in the portal and regularly holds hour-long, weekly live lessons that are taped and shared for on-demand viewing by those who couldn’t attend. The video library holds six such sessions to date, along with an additional 170 review questions for each of the four content areas and even an updated search function for easy targeting of desired knowledge.

Apgar is instructing multiple joint exam prep workshops for the NASW Metro DC and Virginia chapters through the end of the year, so register now to save your seat:


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