Tell Your Social Work Story! PCI Is Reaching Out to Members for NASW’s 70th Anniversary Album
NASW turns 70 in October 2025 and will celebrate with a commemorative album recognizing members and the association's history. Last created in 2015 and 2020, the album project is being conducted jointly by NASW and long-time partner Publishing Concepts Inc. (PCI). Members can expect to hear from PCI directly via postcard and email with a phone number to call to share your NASW and social work stories and a photo for the album, as well as to update your membership record.
PCI has already begun contacting members and will continue through December. This year, rather than a printed directory, the album will feature thousands of members’ essays and photos about their social work experiences, and NASW will retain the recorded phone interviews, submitted photos, and searchable digital transcripts of the interviews for use in NASW materials.
Participation is free, and you will have the chance to buy the album and NASW gear if you choose. Check your MemberLink from June and July for more information about the 70th Anniversary project or visit this FAQ page for more information.